Accreditation will be granted to professional journalists and photographers only.

 Writing press, photographers, non-right-holding media and freelancers

  • Writing Press (newspaper, magazine, internet, agencies and ISU Member Federations): maximum one professional per organization onsite (agencies and major newspapers: maximum two professionals)
  • Photographer: maximum one professional per organization onsite (agencies and major newspapers: maximum two professionals onsite)
  • Television non-right holder: maximum three professionals per organization onsite
  • Radio non-right holder: maximum one professional per organization onsite
  • Freelancer: A freelance journalist or photographer is a full time professional editor or photographer, who is not employed by an agency or newspaper – a self-employed professional. A freelance editor or photographer must provide written evidence that he/she operates on behalf of a clearly identified media. A freelance editor or photographer operating under his/her own account will not be accepted.

Further information will be available in due course.